Saturday, July 14, 2012

Repurposed Ironing Boards

ironing board table.jpg
From Apartment Therapy

On a recent quest to figure out a few ideas for a wooden ironing board top I acquired a while back, I came across this photo from Apartment Therapy on a unique use for ironing boards. You could argue that these are too narrow, but for informal sidewalk seating, I think it is perfect. How great is it that they fold up and have adjustable heights?

Originally, I was thinking that I might decorate the top of the ironing board with bottlecaps - as shown in my previous Junk Score Post. Since I only have the top of the ironing board, I was thinking it might be fun to add some spindles (like the ones below) as legs to create an ironing board sofa table.

Designer Collection of Spindles

Below is an example of an ironing board sofa table posted by Itsy Bits and Pieces.

From Itsy Bits & Pieces

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